Your privacy is important to us. NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Corporation (the “Company”, “we” or “our”) as a DX (digital transformation) solution company, believes that it is our responsibility to the society to promote the proper handling of personal information. Setting forth the following privacy policy, we are committed to protecting personal information throughout the Company.

All persons engaged in the activities of the Company (“Employees”) recognize that personal information is a valuable asset of the Company as well as our customers and that strict management system must be applied to use and protection of personal information. Applying appropriately the personal information protection management system, we comply with this policy, maintain a thorough management system, strive to protect personal information, and meet the trust of our customers.

  1. We establish and implement internal regulations and detailed rules for the proper collection, use, and provision of personal information, taking into account the nature and scale of our business.
  2. In collecting personal information, we specify and notify of the purpose of use in advance.
  3. We do not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use, implementing appropriate safeguard measures.
  4. We comply with laws, regulations, governmental guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. We establish and implement internal regulations and the preventive and corrective procedures against leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
  6. When we receive a complaint or inquiry about personal information, we respond promptly.
  7. When a request is made for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information, we respond within a reasonable period.
  8. We continuously review and improve the Company’s personal information protection management system.
  9. This privacy policy is made publicly available on the Company’s website and company brochures.

Established on and valid from: December 12, 2003
Last Revised on: November 18, 2022

Yoshie Tsukamoto
President and CEO
NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Corporation

About this privacy policy, please contact us as below:

Personal Information Protection Manager, Corporate Planning Department
NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Corporation
1-5-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032 Japan